Individual coaching according to the ITC approach covers a period of 6 to 9 months. You work with your coach online or face to face in regular meetings.
You frame your goal. What you want to achieve that is not currently happening the way you want it to. The focus of Immunity to Change coaching is to visualize the immune system that is keeping you away from your goal. Together with your coach, you create a meaningful Immunity to Change map. This will help you gain clarity and discover how your behavior and unconscious thought patterns interact. Precisely uncovering the Big Assumptions that promote counterproductive behavioral patterns is the basis for further coaching work, which offers a unique approach for sustainable change of deeply rooted behavioral patterns.
Throughout various exercises you will learn to recognize the effects of your limiting assumptions in your every day behavior. Unconscious behavioral patterns become visible. We work intensively and tailored to you personally with small learning experiments to overcome your previous mindset so that the limiting effect that prevents you from making the change you want can dissolve.
The power of Immunity to Change Coaching lies in the connection between mindset development and behavior. In the focused work, something new crystallizes step by step. Success goes beyond the goal. New actions, new feelings and new ways of thinking become possible. And all this without the need for willpower and self-discipline.